Vendor Central Promotions, Coupons and Deals
In order to create a promo code, select promotions from the dropdown menu of the merchandising tab on the top menu of vendor central. On the next page, click the start and new campaign button on the top right side of the page on the following page, click the, create a promo code button to the right side of the promo code block.
show moreOn the following page, select your vendor code from the dropdown menu supplied as well as your billing contact. Choose your start and end dates for your campaign at the relevant box below, knowing that the promo code runs for up to 120 days at a time, enter your product discount either as a percentage or monetary value, and then select your budget.
That is the total amount that you’re willing to fund in customer discounts. For example, if you offer a $10 promo code and your promotional budget is $2,000, then your promo code can be redeemed up to 200 times before the promotion ends due to system agency. Your budget may be exceeded if your items sell and usually fast, you are responsible for the discounts on all units sold.
Below these fields is an option for you to share your proma code with Amazon influences and associates as well or not select whichever you prefer for your campaign. The block below then allows you to choose how many redemptions per customer you would like to select. That is one unit and one order unlimited units in one order or unlimited units in unlimited orders.
The final field is where you enter your promo code, which can consist of any alpha numerical values you choose. You can then choose to add your products to your campaign. In one of two ways, option one, enter the ASINs you wish to create promo codes four and the refined buy box to the left of the page.
Click the add button alongside the ASINs you searched for as they appear in the blocks to the left of the refined by section note that the minimum discount you can offer on a promo code is 5%. You will notice that as you enter your discount value, Amazon gives you a cost breakdown under the product that is your price to Amazon, the current Amazon retail price on the marketplace. The product discount and the likely promotional price.
Option two, you can add products by clicking the ad button alongside the ASINs, as they appear on the left side of the page, including those that appear as eligible, which you can also select all by simply taking the add X eligible products on this page bottom. Note that the minimum discount, again, you can offer on a promo code is 5%.
You will notice that as you enter your discount value, Amazon gives you a cost breakdown under the product that is your price to Amazon, the current Amazon retail price on the marketplace, the product discount and the likely promotional price. Note that for both of the above options, you will be notified if this ASIN is not suitable by a message appearing in a block to the right of the ASIN that says no retail offer.
Once you have completed adding your products, click on the button to the top, right to the page that says, continue to next step. Here, you can review your promo code promot. And choose to edit it further by clicking the edit promotion details button or finalize the promotion by clicking the submit promotion button, Amazon will review your submitted campaign. And if approved, we’ll send you an agreement to accept which we will go through in the billing video of this section.