Vendor Central Promotions, Coupons and Deals
All coupons must comply with the following guidelines, which may vary during peak sales periods or specific deals, events such as prime day. They must be submitted at least 24 hours of advance of the start date. But we advise submitting sooner, for example, several weeks in advance, where Amazon may not have time to buy the inventory from you.
show moreThe minimum discount required is 5% of Amazon’s side price. The maximum discount is 80% of the current website price. Remember, these values are calculated against the map or Amazon’s offer to consumers are not your cost to Amazon. So when factoring in these percentages, you need to ensure that you don’t catch too greatly into your own margin for these products, unless you don’t mind running at a loss on these products for a oil.
You will be assigning these campaigns to a marketing budget as opposed to inventory gross profit. The minimum duration is one day and the maximum duration is between a start and end date of 120 days. The minimum budget is a thousand dollars and the maximum budget is a million dollars. Once a coupon is live, it cannot be edited.
Do not promote products that are low inventory or out of stock for a single product. Campaigns may not overlap. For example, you cannot run a lightning deal and a promo code on the same product at the same time with a coupon, however, you can overlap multiple promo codes or coupons on the same product at the same time.
Since these are not stackable, no financially unhealthy products are to be used. Amazon does not promote products that do not need certain financial thresholds. Amazon looks at a product’s current financial data before the promotion when evaluating each product. This threshold does not have to do with the level of funding you are offering for the promotion.
Further to the above products must have a three plus star average customer review rating have an active retail offer. So to run a campaign on a product, Amazon must currently be able to get this product from you and consumers must currently be able to buy this product from Amazon on the website. They must be appropriate for all consumers.
So products on which promotional campaigns are not permitted include, but are not limited to e-cigarettes alcohol, adult products, medical devices, and medicine, Amazon instant video, and baby formula Amazon’s decision regarding the appropriateness of a products cannot be appealed. You may remove the product and resubmit the campaign and products must feature is one image that meets Amazon’s image requirements.