Vendor Central: Contesting Chargebacks and Invoice Reconciliation
The next step is to reconcile your co-op deductions namely, the damage allowance, freight allowance, and base accrual from your pivot table created on your backup report insert the relevant rebates per purchase order into the relevant column on your control document, you would need to download the backup reports for the other co-op invoices that you hadn’t before.
show moreAnd do a pivot table indicating the purchase order net receipts and rebate so that you can input these values into your control document for each co-op deduction alongside each purchase order. Total your columns under each co-op deduction heading and check whether the total rebate value for each on your control document matches that on the backup reports you downloaded from vendor central.
Bear in mind that you may need to sum these values from the previous month’s shipped purchase orders. If a purchase order you shipped last month is now being recorded in this month’s backup report of net receipts from vendor central. To the rise of each of these carb deductions columns is a percentage column where you can check that the carb percentages deducted per purchase order is that of the percentage found in your carb agreements for the year.
That is a 6.74% damage allowance must have the mathematics checkout when working out the percentage of the damage allowance we rebate against the net receipts of the purchase order. Your total sum of each rebate should also check out mathematically against the total sum of net receipts. According to Amazon.