Seller Central: Seller Fulfilled Prime
Okay, say you already have a suitable shipping template for your seller fulfilled prime ASINs, but you just need to make sure that prime is set up correctly. Well, in order to edit an existing shipping template with the correct prime settings, select shipping settings from the dropdown menu of the settings tab in the top right hand side of your Seller Central dashboard.
show moreOn the next page from the shipping templates list, click the template you want to enable for shipping of seller fulfilled prime items. On the top right side, click the edit template link. On your shipping template locates and click the enable prime delivery. Now, normally in the pop-up window, you would need to select your shipping address and preferred carriers, and note that you have to select a preferred carrier to enable the next button.
In this example, the client still needs to add a valid shipping address in order to activate the prime delivery. Under your domestic shipping. Remember that you need to now put in the following values for your shipping rates and your standard shipping. For your APAAOE, which is your APO or FPO, you would need to put in your normal rates, whatever that may be.
For Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, which is four to eight shipping days. These would be free standard shipping. For your US protect rates of 14 to 28 days. These would be your normal shipping rates, and then for the continental US, which is your three to five business days, the shipping rate would be free.
Two day delivery to the continental United States is free. And one day delivery has to be enabled for Prime, and this is also free. There is no international shipping. Now that you’ve completed all the fields, review them all again to make sure that your prime shipping settings are correct. And click the save button at the bottom to modify this particular shipping template for seller fulfilled prime.