Social Media Promo Code Promotions
In this module we will be taking a deep dive into the following subjects:
Creating and Editing Social Media Promo Codes
We will look at how to create and edit Social Media Promo Codes on Seller Central.
Discarding and Duplicating Social Media Promo Codes
We will look at how to duplicate or discard a Social Media Promo Code.
Performance of Social Media Promo Codes
We will take a brief look at where you can find the Performance Metrics of your Social Media Promo Code Promotion.
Advertising Social Media Promo Codes
We will go through how to advertise your Social Media Promo Codes.
After Finishing this Module
You will :
• Know how to create, edit, duplicate and discard Social Media Promo Codes on Seller Central;
• Know how to view the Performance Metrics of your Social Media Promo Code Promotion; and
• Know how to advertise your Social Media Promo Code Promotion.