Seller Central: Promotions, Coupons and Deals
In order to view the results of a 7-day deal, select deals from the dropdown menu of the advertising tab on the top menu of Seller Central. On the following page, you can enter the ASIN or SKU you know is in your deal in the search bar. Select the status of your deal from the dropdown menu provided under status.
show moreSelect your 7-day deal from the type dropdown menu provided and the date option in the dropdown menu of the dates option. Once you have located your 7-day deal, you will immediately be able to see the following performance metrics in the 7-day deal table block, total sales made in monetary value.
Total units sold in the deal. And the percentage of fee per sales. You can also choose to click the view button to the right of the 7-day deal to go to the 7-day deal page itself, where the same results will be displayed, but this time per ASIN involved in the deal.