Seller Central: Inventory Reports
Once you have downloaded and opened your sole listings report, you will see the following fields or columns for each skew that has been sold. Item name, listing ID, SKU, price, shipping fee, purchase date via email by a nickname, date listed, item is marketplace, and quantity. The item name column refers to the title of the item listed. This will be populated with Amazon catalog data.
show moreThe listing ID column refers to an identify created by Amazon when you create a listing, it normally consists of four digits, capital letter, and six more digit. The SKU column refers to the stock keeping units, which are unique blocks of letters and or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are signed by you as the seller.
The price column refers to the price you are asking for the product. The shipping fee column refers to fee charged for shipping, and this could be zero if you offer free shipping on a listing. The purchase date column refers to the date the product was last purchased. The buyer email column refers to the buyer’s email address in case you wish to contact them with regards to your listing or their purchase.
The buyer nickname column refers to the buyer’s name on the marketplace. The date listed column refers to the date the product was first listed on the marketplace. The item is marketplace Column refers to whether the product is in the Amazon marketplace and will obviously be Y for yes. Because we are looking at a sold listings report, and hopefully the listings are still all active and still available on the Amazon marketplace. The quantity column refers to how many units were purchased.