Master managing a Seller Central Catalog
Sometimes you end up with inventory, which is unfillable due to damages or similar, in which case you can choose to return or dispose of these items. In order to remove Unfillable inventory, you would need to go to your manage inventory page by selecting manage inventory from the dropdown menu of the inventory tab on the top menu of Seller Central.
show moreAt the top of the next page, click on the link that reads Remove Unfillable Inventory. Remember that if you have no unfillable inventory to take care of, this link will not appear at the top of the page. On the Remove Unfillable inventory page, you will be presented with a table of the unfillable SKUs alongside each line item is a gray button called create Removal order.
Which has a dropdown menu, which can also include a disposal action if your settings have allowed for this option. Again, you can choose to select all items and do a bulk action by clicking the action button at the top left of the table and selecting the relevant action from the dropdown menu provided.
At the top right of the page, you will also see a gray button saying auto removal settings, which when you click it will take you through to the removal settings, which you can edit as needed. You can enable or disable the auto removal settings. You can choose to return or dispose of the items automatically, in which case, You would create a returns order if the item is to be returned to you instead of disposed of.
You can choose the removal or return schedule, and you can enter your email address to notify you whenever list of SKUs is disposed of or returned. Remember to click the yellow update button at the bottom of the page to save your changes back on your remove Unfillable inventory page. Click the create removal order button, the right of the items you wish to have removed, and select the create removal order option from the dropdown menu.
On the next page, fill in all the relevant details as they pertain to your removal order. Whether you are requesting a product be returned to you by giving a ship to address or whether you would like the item to be disposed of.
Enter an order ID if you have one for the removal and fill in the quantity you would like to have removed in the table below. Alongside the skew you are wanting to be removed. Once this information has been filled in, click the yellow continue button at the bottom of the page. On the next page, review and confirm your removal order.
The order summary page will show you the details of your return order. You can also track your return orders by selecting fulfillment from the dropdown menu of the reports tab on the top menu of Center Central. On the next page, scroll down the left menu to the bottom where it says removals and click on the removal order detail.
Which will allow you to download reports of the removal orders you created. You can also choose to select the removal shipment detail link. Which will allow you to view tracking information for the items being returned to you via tracking reports. Remember to select the relevant dates and request the download in the CSV or TXT format by clicking on the relevant button.