Master managing a Seller Central Catalog
To create variations via template in seller central, click on the, add a product from the inventory tab, dropdown menu on the top menu of seller central on the next page, click on the link saying download and inventory file on the next page. Scroll down to the header inventory files.
show moreAnd click on the category specific inventory files link in the popup window under the choose a file template section, click on the templates for specific categories link. On the next page, scroll down to the heading you are registered with release package X. And click on the link of the relevant category for which you are creating the variations, make sure that you complete all the information for the parent ASIN as before, and then fill in the relevant information under the variation section in as many cells as you can for the variations select child in the parentage feild.
Select variation in the relationship field, put in the parent SKU to which this child SKUs to be related to and select the applicable variation theme in the variation theme field. Be sure to always fill in as many cells as you can on this template. As the more compat your listing, the better for SEO and for consumers be reminded that you ideally should save this file in TXT format before uploading it under the check and upload your inventory file tab on the ad products via upload page as before.