Master managing a Seller Central Catalog
In order to create a new variation family by combining an existing standalone ASINs, the ASINs would need to have the following stipulations. The brand name should be the same. The ASINs should not be part of a variation. That is, it needs to be standalone and the ASINs you add as variations should be in the same category.
show moreIf you wish to create a whole new variation family from existing standalone ASINs, you can either choose to do so manually by following the same steps. As in section two of this course, or the first video in this or the first and second videos of the section alternately you can do. So using the variation wizard by selecting added product from the inventory tab, dropdown menu on the top menu of seller central.
On the next page, click on the link saying, add a variation using variation wizard on the following page, select the create a new variation family by combining existing standalone listings within new catalog and follow the instructions given here in this block and ensure that you use the same category from the product page for all the child ASINs now in this template.
So that they all appear in the same category and on the same page. And you copy all information from the standalone ASINs exactly into the relevant fields in the template, the template they refer to as the category specific inventory file template, which can be found by selecting the add product from the inventory tab, dropdown menu on the top menu of seller central.
And clicking on the link saying download an inventory file on the next page. On the following page, scroll down to the header inventory files and click on the category specific inventory files link. In the popup window under the choose a file template section, click on the templates for specific categories link.
On the following page, scroll down to the heading that says you are registered with release package X and click on the file template link of the relevant category for which you are creating the variations family. Remember to save this file in TXT format, preferably before uploading it under the check and upload your inventory file tab on the ad products via upload page on seller central.