Fundamental of Amazon content
Why not learn from the brand owners themselves. Amazon owns many different brands in many categories, and as we are building our own core content, we can look to Amazon’s brands for trends and best practices. Take this echo plus listing for example. We are seeing Amazon use image. Call-outs consistently at the bottom of the image using the same color, font and size of text.
show moreThe call-outs have a trend of trying to show and not just tell what I mean by that is Amazon describes how you can use the echo by giving you example, quotes.
Moving on to this Kindle example, we can see a similar. As we scroll through the listing images, we can see the texts call-outs mixed in with the regular product shots. The text is kept at the bottom of the screen and Amazon doesn’t feel the need to fill the entire square with an image. The text is very illegible and a sharp rock can create really quick connections between the call-out and the image itself.