Conversion focused copy-writing
Developing the content that entices your target audience to buy your product because it is the best and only option that satisfies their need takes the work of a skilled wordsmith. In the simplest terms, the copy expert should understand the brand’s mission, vision, and USP. They need to fully understand the target audiences needs and desires.
show moreAnd they need to know the products ins and outs and speak the right language to the customer. The five second test provides the cues as to what is working and what is not in the listing. Take these learnings to remove all the unnecessary noise and convert mundane copy to show stopping content. The aim is to keep the shopper engaged on your page appeal to their needs.
Get them to invest in the brand and make a sale. Let’s dive into learning how to remove the clutter and deliver an effective message. Speak directly to your brand’s audience. Know who the target audience is and speak to them directly. Don’t dilute the message with irrelevant points that the customer isn’t interested in speak directly with words that entice and appeal to the shoper.
This isn’t a place for fluff words or an overuse of adjectives, rather speak directly to their heart, to their passions, to what matters to them as if you are having a direct conversation directly with them. And no one else let’s use the product stainless steel water bottles as an exam. Your brand is selling products with double insulated walls that reduce condensation and keeps the contents cold and hot.
That’s great. But is that what your core customer is looking for out of a stainless steel bottle? If you know your core customer is health and earth and eco conscious and keeping contents cold or hot is a great benefit, but it’s secondary to what really matters to the heart of your. This customer cares more about the use of stainless steel as a reusable container, that doesn’t have the harmful effects of plastic bottles loaded with toxins.
This customer may be looking for products that aren’t bad for them or for the environment. These salient points will hit to consumers where they feel it most right in the heart, and they will stay engaged and get passionate about your.
Use this knowledge to build the bullet points that speak to them directly, get inside their head. Think about what a typical day for them looks like. What fills their day with worry or happiness, what challenges are they faced with every day? Understanding your customer will help you to align the benefit of each bullet point to the feature set of the.
And keeping with the stainless steel water bottle example, let’s say your core customer is a young college graduate. Who’s just started out in the workforce. Their day is very different from an older person. Who’s retiring to travel around the world and wants a portable container. The content for each of these audiences would be positioned very differently.
Images of a big city business tools like a laptop and benefit driven. Copy like convenience, ease of use symbols hold all would appeal to a busy young person on the go on the flip side, images of a lush mountain side, sunset over the water and benefit driven. Copy like ergonomic light. Non drip would appeal to a traveler.
These points all have to be aligned with what the core customer is specifically looking to obtain from this product. So remember to develop content that aligns features from the products to the benefits they provide and speak directly to your core audiences, passions. This is the winning combination to keep your brand message on target your USP evident and your core audience engaged.