Conversion focused copy-writing
Shoppers have a huge selection to choose from when shopping on Amazon. When we input the word coffee in a search term field, we saw earlier over 100,000 results. So how does a brand entice a potential customer and remove shopper doubt in a product selection in addition to a product being prime and eligible for free returns.
show moreA great reminder for customers is to hear directly from the brand in its copy points. Here we see death wish coffee company uses the fifth bullet to reinforce a customer’s trust in the brand. The copy point, try it. Risk-free click the add to cart button now and be the judge. If you don’t love our coffee, we’ll refund your order.
No questions asked for a shopper that is on the fence and not 100% sure they want to try the coffee. The brand is validating their commitment to providing a positive customer experience. This simple statement can turn a shopper who is on the fence with the brand to a shopper who makes a purchase. It’s important to note that this copy point can be placed elsewhere on the detailed page.
It should not replace an important feature and benefit statement that should appear in the bulleted section. Rather, this type of satisfaction guarantee statement can be moved to another content area on the page. Amazon has flagged this product as an Amazon’s choice, which shows to the customer that this product has the backing from Amazon, with all the other coffee products available for purchase on Amazon.
This brand is a choice of Amazon. Additionally. That’s wish coffee company does a great job in removing shopper doubt with this edition of the satisfaction guarantee, bullet couple, this with four and a half star ratings of over 17,000 reviews. A shopper should have no doubt to buy this particular brand of coffee.
And if they don’t like the coffee and aren’t satisfied, they will get a refund. Sounds like a win for the potential customer and a win for the brand to aid in conversions.