Amazon Store
Header tiles are pretty straightforward. They consist of a hero image, a navigation bar and a brand logo. The hero image has a fixed dimension. So there’s no customization here. The hero images, 3000 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall and appears to the top of every single page and sub page that. For each page, you have the option of adding a custom hero image.
show moreIf you don’t, it’ll automatically be populated with their homepage hero image. Each page is required to have a hero image and Amazon won’t allow you to submit your storefront. Without it. Header tiles are extremely powerful as they are above the fold. And as a result, the first thing a shopper will see when they land on your store.
Headers or your introduction and they set the tone for the rest of your store. Use them the showcase, your logo, introduce your featured product line, display all your product categories and much more. The navigation bar is where you create all your pages. And sub-pages the navigation bar is automatically generated as you create pages on your store.
You can arrange the order of the content displayed on your page, but the formatting in terms of the font color and size of text is all automatically controlled by Amazon. The logo is fixed onto the navigation bar and when clicked will bring you back to the homepage, all you have to do is upload a 400 pixel by 400 pixel image of your logo and creating your store.
If your logo doesn’t scale nicely into a square, you do have the option to emit the logo in the navigation bar. And you can always just add your logo in the hero image, which gives you more flexibility anyways.