The Inside Story on A+
In this module we will be taking a deep dive into the following subjects:
What Exactly is A+, and why you need to Pay Attention
Learn about what is A+ and why over 50% of Amazon Vendors are using it on their listings.
Examples of A+ Throughout Various Amazon Categories
We will take an in-depth look at successful A+ content from 5 different categories of products.
The New Kid on the Block, Premium A+ (A++)
Premium A+ is the king of content when it comes to Amazon content. In this section, we will learn about some Premium A+ features and who has access to this content.
New Features on Amazon’s Update to A+ Content
Learn about the June 2019 “A+ Content Manager” update and how it impacts both vendors and sellers.
After Finishing this Module
You will :
• Understand what is A+ Content;
• Differentiate between good and bad A+.