If you’ve been paying attention, you may have noticed a small change in some Amazon Stores links earlier this year. By store link, we’re referring to the brand name link on every product listing page just beneath the product title. Whereas in the past store links consisted of the mere brand name, some links now read “Visit the [Brand] store”. … [Read more...]
Vendor Live Chat
A new support feature for Vendors In June 2020, Amazon rolled out a new feature for Vendors called Vendor Live Chat. As the name implies, it enables Vendors to access Amazon’s support team and get immediate help via a live chat. The goal is for Amazon’s support team to provide real time answers to any questions you may have, to provide … [Read more...]
Vendor Central API
Why you should automate your Vendor Central business Managing your vendor central business through its self-service tools can be daunting. Fortunately, Amazon offers a range of API (Application Programming Interface) options that allows a degree of automation and thus has the potential to make your business easier to manage, especially as you … [Read more...]
Custom source tag optimizations for Amazon Stores
When analyzing your brand's Amazon store traffic one key metric is the amount of traffic coming to your store and where it is coming from. It is particularly useful to categorize by source of traffic. This data can then inform the focus of your marketing efforts. Tracking your KPIs is the first step to improving them. This basic … [Read more...]
New feature in Amazon Brand Store – Shoppable Images
For a long time, Amazon Brand Stores have been used to establish a brand's presence as they are the nerve center for connecting with customers. In order to succeed amidst the competition, it is critical to effectively showcase your brand. To this end, Amazon has added a new feature that needs to be on your radar - Shoppable Images! Amazon … [Read more...]