Seller Central: Promotions, Coupons and Deals
When it comes to editing a coupon, it is important to remember that approximately six hours before the start time, your coupon will be locked down. At this time Amazon’s systems run validation rules on your coupon as mentioned previously, in order to make sure it offers a good value to customers. Once locked down, you will not be able to make any changes to your coupon until it goes live.
show moreAfter the coupon goes live, you can increase your budget or extend the duration up to 90 days maximum as shown in the previous video. Before your coupon gets locked down, you can also edit it in order to edit your coupon select coupons. From the drop down menu of the advertising tab on the top menu of Seller Central. on the following page.
On the following page in the table of coupons located below. Which you can select and filter by all running, expired, failed, canceled, submitted needs action, or expiring Soon.
Locate the coupon you wish to edit, and click the edit button to the right of the coupon title. If your coupon has not yet gone live. You will be able to add or remove products on the first tab page. That is the search and add products page. If the coupon is live, you will only be able to edit the budget amount on the budget and discount tab.
As well as the end date on the schedule and target tab. Remember, for each page that you make amendments to, you would need to click the continue to next step button to save your changes. You will again be able to review your edited coupon on the review and submit tab where you can then click the submit coupon button again in order for the amended coupon changes to be affected.