Seller Performance; Optimize account health
The late shipment rate or LSR applies only to seller fulfilled orders, inter percentage of all orders with a ship confirmation that is completed after the expected ship date. It measures the percentage of total orders over both a 10 day or 30 day period. If you are self-fulfilling orders, it’s important to confirm the shipment by the expected ship date so that customers can see the status of their shipped orders online.
show moreOrders that are shipped confirmed late may negatively impact the customer experience and lead to increased claims, negative feedback and customer contacts. Amazon has set a target for sellers to maintain a late shipment rate of under 4% in order to sell on Amazon. A late shipment rate above 4% may result in account Deactivation ship dates are adjusted for national holidays, and you can either view your late shipment rate on the seller central platform or download a report.
Just go to the account health page in the shipping performance section, click view details. Select late shipment rate tab and scroll down to access to download report button.