Master managing a Seller Central Catalog
In order to create variations, you would first need to have a parent SKU as you are selling different sizes, colors, etc of these products. To create variations manually and seller central click on the, add a product from the inventory tab dropdown menu on the top menu of seller central. On the next page, click on the link saying, create a new product listing.
show moreSelect your category as you would, if you were creating a standalone ASIN as described in section two. And click the yellow select button on the next page, be sure to click the advanced view button as before. And proceed to fill in all the information on each of the tabs as before. Remember that for the images you can only possibly upload a main image for starters, which will relate to the parent ASIN, but you would need to go into each of the variations once they have been created and select the manage images from the gray, if button to the rights of each child ASIN or variation.
To ensure that you are only uploading images that are relevant to that specific variation that is you cannot put images of the other colors or sizes and expect to use them for all your variations. Under the variations tab, select which variation type you would like to use for your variations from the gray select button dropdown menu.
List all your variations in all the relevant cells and keep adding until you have included them all. Then click the yellow add variations button. In the table that is generated complete all information in all fields that is color map, seller SKU, product ID, product ID type condition. Your price and quantity for each of the variations. Once you are happy with all the information you have inserted for each click, the yellow save and finish button at the bottom of the page.