Vendor Central Promotions, Coupons and Deals
In order to see how your coupon is performing and the various metrics available, select coupons from the dropdown menu of the merchandising tab on the top menu of vendor central. On the next page, click the campaign details link at the top right hand corner of each of your coupon campaigns. On the following page, click on the link at the top of the page that says view metrics here, you will be able to see the following metrics, which you can also download into a spreadsheet for further tracking coupon name, start date, end date clips for redemptions.
show moreSales lift, which is the additional unit sold in the coupon offer period, compared to the immediately preceding period. If the number is marked with an asterisk, then a coupon was also available during the proceeding period. Meaning the sales lift figure will be understated. Total discount budget spent, budget remaining, budget used and total budget. From these metrics, you can see how your campaign is performing at any given time throughout the day.