Vendor Central Catalog Management
As for the discussion in an earlier video, you would’ve already located the document that Amazon provides for you to use, to identify and manage any of your products that may be considered dangerous by going to the support center on vendor central, click the view resource center at the bottom of the page, going to the heading, selling your products.
show moreAnd downloading the dangers hazmat identification and management guide. You would also have completed an exemption sheets for your product off of Amazon. If your product requires it, which you can also do by going to the support center vendor central selecting the view resource center, scrolling down to the heading, selling your products and downloading and completing any of these forms as applic. The exemption sheet for battery and battery powered products and the exemption sheet for products without harmful chemicals.
Now that you have the relevant certifications and exemption sheets, you can then send these on to Amazon. By going to the support center, selecting the contact us button at the bottom of the page, selecting your business group on the next page. Then under the manage my catalog header, selecting the MSDS or supplemental hazmat information title Amazon’s internal teams will then notify you. If all is an order for your relevant products. If they’re required further information, they will request it from you.