Vendor Central Catalog Management
We mentioned previously in the setup of your products, that you can select the variation theme in both the single item being added, as well as the spreadsheet template method. Once all of your products are listed, you can also create the twisters per parent ASIN by creating variations through the variation sheet template, go to the support center and vendor central. And select the view resources center at the bottom under the selling your products heading find and download the variation sheets.
show moreDepending on which category or categories your products are listed under the spreadsheet will give you several variation options and you can create your variations for all your ASINs for all applicable variations as per the template instructions. Be sure to complete all the information in the relevant columns.
Once you have completed the sheets, you can then contact Amazon through the support center by selecting the contact us button at the bottom of the page. Select your business group on the next page. And then variation twister from the dropdown menu under the manage my catalog section Amazon’s internal teams will then create the twisters on your product landing pages based on the variations created in this spreadsheet sheets.