How Vendor Central Agreements Factor Into Your Business Model
Welcome to the Optimizing Amazon Vendor Agreements and Pricing Course.
In this module we will be taking a deep dive into the following subjects:
Overview of Agreements
We will look at where on Vendor Central you can find your Agreements and what the standard Agreements are for a Vendor.
The Standard Vendor Agreements
We will look at the four standard Agreements, these being the Base Accrual, the Settlement Discount, the Damage Allowance and the Freight Allowance.
Agreement Updates
In this part we will look at how Amazon contacts you on your Agreement Updates and what their standard offers are.
How to Negotiate Agreement Updates
We will consider how to negotiate agreement updates by looking at what Amazon’s minimum goal is and finding ways to negotiate lower terms or increases.
After Finishing this Module
You will :
• Find your Agreements on Vendor Central;
• Identify your Agreements as they are deducted from your Remittances;
• How and when Amazon communicates Agreement Updates or Increases; and
• How best to negotiate on your agreements.