Vendor Central Reports and Analytics
The market basket analysis report can be filtered by category, subcategory, brand, and a reporting range of daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly with a relevant, additional filter to the right of this. You can further select to show all products, your products only, or your products excluded.
show moreThe table for the report has the following information in it. The ASIN that is most frequently purchased with your product, the percentage of orders that contain both your product and the number one purchase product in comparison to the total number of orders that contained at least two different items, including your product, the ASIN of the product that is second, most frequently purchased with your product.
The percentage of orders that contain both your product and the number two purchase product in comparison to the total number of orders that contained at least two different items, including your product, the ASIN of the product that is third, most frequently purchased with your product and the percentage of orders that contain both your product and the number three purchase product in comparison to the total number of orders.
That contained at least two different items, including your product. This report can help you see what other products are comparable to your own, which products your consumers enjoy purchasing with your own, which can give you insight into new product development opportunities or bundling opportunities. If the ASINs board with yours are your own products too.