The Amazon Ecosystem and Terminology
The buy box algorithm starts by analyzing each offer by all the sellers of the product. It then evaluates each off on the basis of seller history, price, and many other variables. After carrying out the analysis, Amazon rewards the buy box to what it deems as the best buying options for its customers.
show moreNot all sellers are eligible to win the buy box. Amazon, no longer awards the buy box to one seller, but instead rotates the buy box between multiple sellers. The buy box percentage is the percentage of page views with a buy box appeared on the page for customers to add your product to the account.
Your buy box percentage is lowered when the product was out of stock, the buy box would result in the customer purchasing from another state. Your product was not available purchase using the buy box. Most commonly, if you’re selling a used item that appears on the other buying options page, remember that the buy box percentage only tells you whether your product would be purchased by customer who clicked the buy box.
When they viewed the product page. For example, if you bought a box percentage for an item is 34%. This means that roughly a third of the time, a customer visited that page had they purchased by clicking add to cart. You item would be sold. Retail fast track for buy box is when you’re browsing Amazon, you will see a chick mark and the word prime, alongside many items on the search results page.
Page FOSS track measures. The percent of customers that see an item is prime eligible. Simply put prime eligible items of those that qualify for free today shipping. With one, not an item is considered eligible for prime is measured by fast track and metric that takes into account and items in stock rate control of the buy box and the conditions in which the item arrives at Amazon’s fulfillment center.
The higher your fast track rate, the more shop is COI item. As eligible for prime, you can increase your false track rate by manipulating the three key messages. Improving you in stock rate, winning the buy box and ensuring your products are prime pickable that is, there are no issues with your items upon arrival at Anderson’s fulfillment center.
Losing the buy box means that although Amazon has inventory from the manufacturer, it will favor linking the add to basket button to a third party seller. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but it usually means that the third party seller has a good track record and is offering a better price and ultimately you end up losing the sale to someone else.