Amazon Store
To create a store page, navigate to the page manager and click add page. You’ll see similar options to what we first saw. When we created the homepage. First, we have to name the page. This is a name that will display in the navigation bar. Next we have to add a page meta-description. We are creating a store for our home décor brand.
show moreSo we’re going to create a page about rugs. So let’s just call this rugs with the meta description, fab habitat rugs. We already know the layout of what we’re going to create. So we’re going to choose a blank template. If you would like to create a sub page, make sure the correct page is selected in the page manager and then click add a page.
And the page manager will now see the outline of the store’s trucks or change. If you want sub page to be its own page, click and drag on the page and drag it out until we see the outline change.