Amazon Store
After you upload your brand logo, you will be prompted to create your homepage. The first thing we’ll be asked to do is to add a page meta description. All this is is describing the content of the page to Amazon. So Amazon knows how to categorize it. We are just going to call this fab habitat home page.
show moreBelow them at a description are the store templates. Amazon offers three pre-made templates to serve as a jumping off point. All templates are completely customizable and nothing is set in stone. The three pre-made templates are marquee, product highlight and product grid. Marquee is a general template that can be used for a lot of different situations.
Amazon states that this is great for telling your brand story and to show categories. If we click on the template, we will see the preview on the right side of the screen. Marquee is made up of alternating modules that consist of a large square and two small rectangles. This template is particularly good for displaying all your product categories.
At the bottom is two automated tiles, including both are recommended for you. And the bestseller section. The product highlight template is for showcasing a flagship or featured product. It begins with a gallery image. Carousel then moves to a full width product tile at the bottom is for large square tiles that are great for features, benefits, and lifestyle images.
Next is a product grid template. This is the simplest of the templates and consists purely of the product grid, content tile, a four column grid of products. If you have a large catalog of products in one category, this is a great starting point. All templates can be added to recreated with content tiles can rearrange to fit your specific needs.
Think of templates solely as the first stepping stone in your creation process, they can be used to generate ideas last as the blank template, which is a completely blank slate filled with no content. If you understand content tiles, this is the best way to work because you get to control your content from inception.