Amazon Store
On storefronts, you have six content tile options for adding images. Image tiles are the core of any storefront and the best way to showcase your brand. The most powerful. And the one we recommend using somewhere on your home page is the full width image. To find this content tile, click, add a new section and scroll down to image.
show moreWhen we click into the content tile, it will add it to our store at the bottom of the page, under the image section, we’ll see the Amazon outlines, the image dimensions. The width has fixed at 3000 pixels, but the height has a range of 16 to 2,400 pixels. This used to be a fixed at 1500 pixels in height, but now we have greater flexibility.
We have the option to fill. Fit or use the tech section layout. You can also title your image if you would like to stay organized. If we would like to use a custom mobile layout, you have the option to upload images with a taller layout so that it’ll display better on mobile screens. The next section is important, and this is adding a link after uploading your image.
You have the option to make it linkable to either another page. Or a product page, make sure your image has a called action that lets the shopper know where they’ll go when they click on your image. The other main content tiles are very similar. Click into the add new section and choose the split section option.
We’re going to choose as five tile option because it shows the rest of the different size options for images that we have. The smallest image is a 750 by 750 pixel square. And the modules build off of this. So the rectangle is 1500 by 750 pixels, and the square is 1500 pixels by 1500 pixels. You get all the same options of choosing the section layout, adding a title, using a custom mobile layout.
And of course, adding. The last two image content tiles are located in the same location. Click on the add tile button and scroll down below the image. Tile is the image of textile and the interactive image tile. First, let’s go over the image with text content tile. The upload process is identical, but we get a couple new options.
Automatically a title and body copies, overlaid onto a rectangle over your image. You control the text, the text size and texts alignment as well as the position. If you go to the advanced option, even have the chance to change the color of your text. You can also increase the padding or space around your text and the distance from the edge of your.
While this is an interesting content tile that offers more than usual flexibility. It is still limiting more importantly, you don’t get the option to change the font. So if you’re a mixing and matching your own images, using your own brand fonts, this will quickly look out of place. The last content tile is the interactive content tile uploading an image is the same process.
But where it gets interesting is editing the interactive points. We’re going to just upload an image for the sake of example, click on edit interactive points to get started. Now we have the option of adding an interactive point that we’ll link to a product drag, the dot, or you would like, and then search the product by other keyword or a.
This content tile allows you to add up to six interactive points. So if you have a lifestyle image with a lot of your products, you can link to all of them, right on the image.