Amazon Core Content
A Look at Product Variations
Cheat Sheet
• What are Amazon variations?
Variations (also known as parent-child relationships) are sets of products that are related to one another. Good variation relationship listings allow buyers to compare and choose products based on different attributes such as size, color, style, or other characteristics from the same detail page.
• Fundamentals of a Variation Relationship
Parent Listing
– The listing is displayed only in the Seller Central’s search results. Amazon catalog uses the parent listing to establish relationships between the child products. For example, if 2 dresses have the same parent, then they are related and are considered child products.
– The product listing is a non-buyable entity used to relate child products.
– The parent product is the initial image displayed on search result pages.
– Remember you need a parent title. For example, in the Automotive Category Amazon stipulate (through their style guides).
Child Products
– These are buyable products related to each parent listing.
– The child product is an instance of the parent product. You can have many child products that are all related to one parent product. Each child varies in some way, for example, by style or by color.
– The child products are the products that are related to each parent and display when
the variation is selected by the buyer
Variation Themes
– The variation theme defines how related products differ from each other. Depending on the category chosen to list your products, variation themes also vary. For example, in the Clothing, Accessories & Luggage category, child products can differ from each other by size or color, or package quantity; and child listings in the beauty category can differ in flavor, scent, size, color.
The following examples illustrate potential relationship listings in different product categories: