What Happens if the Price of my Enrolled Small and Light Product is Above $7?
As of the 1st of May 2020, Amazon changed all products above $7 or 10oz to the standard FBA and subject to the standard FBA fees.
How Do Customers See my Small and Light Offers?
When a customer searches for applicable products the customer delivery promise will state “Free Delivery by (fulfillment date) for prime members”.
How Can I Disenroll My Offers from FBA Small and Light?
Before disenrolling your offers from FBA Small and Light ensure that you have no inventory in Small and Light. Once that’s confirmed, visit here to disenroll all offers.
Why am I Seeing Promotional Offers for Some of my Offers when I Didn’t Offer One?
Certain Small and Light items priced $5 or less and under the consumable category may be eligible for a 5% discount if your customer purchased 2 or more units of the same product. Amazon covers the cost of the discount and it won’t affect what you’re paid for the product. You need not do anything to be a part of the promotion.
Can I Sell an Item Through FBA Small and Light and Fulfil it Myself?
Absolutely. You can have an FBA Small and Light offer, and a seller-fulfilled offer on the same item.
Can my Current FBA Offers that use Manufacturer Barcodes for Tracking get Enrolled in Small and Light?
If you already have offers that use manufacturer barcodes for tracking then you must create a new seller fulfilled MSKU and enroll the new MSKU in FBA Small and Light. Immediately you’ve enrolled it, Amazon’s system will change your MSKU into a Small and Light offer.
Can I Enroll my Expiration-Dated Products in Small and Light?
Small and Light permits expiration-date products, however, temperature-sensitive products aren’t allowed. The Small and Light program adheres to the standard FBA qualifications for expiration-dated inventory.
Am I Able to Use Small and Light for Items that I Sell on Platforms Other than Amazon?
Unfortunately no, Small and Light can only fulfill orders on Amazon.
How Do I Remove my Inventory from Amazon Small and Light Fulfilment Centers?
You can remove your inventory by creating a removal order in Seller Central like you would for the regular FBA inventory. The removal and disposal fees are the same as the standard FBA removal fees.
Does the Small and Light Program Offer Product Returns?
Yes, if you’re a part of the Small and Light program, Amazon will provide both fulfillment and customer service for your orders, inclusive of customer returns. You can visit the FBA customer returns policy for more information on how FBA Small and Light handle refunds and reimbursements.
Is the Small and Light Program Connected to the Add-on Program?
No, as Small and Light does not require a minimum purchase limit to offer free shipping.